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Pennsylvania Utility Audits

Utility Audits for Pennsylvania Businesses

Energy audits are essential for businesses in Pennsylvania due to their significant impact on operational costs and sustainability efforts. Utility expenses often represent a substantial portion of a company’s budget, and undetected billing errors can cost a company millions of dollars. Potential causes range from inaccurate meter readings to incorrect rate structures. 

UtiliSave, a leading energy management solutions provider, understands these audits’ importance in optimizing resource utilization and driving cost savings. 

The Process of a Pennsylvania Utility Audit

Here’s a step-by-step overview of how to do a utility audit:

  1. Data collection: The audit process begins with collecting relevant data, which includes utility bills, historical usage patterns, building specifications, equipment inventories and any existing energy management systems. 
  2. On-site inspection: A thorough inspection assesses the physical infrastructure, including building systems, equipment and operational processes. This step involves examining energy-consuming assets such as HVAC systems, lighting fixtures, appliances and production machinery. 
  3. Metering and monitoring: Metering and monitoring devices get installed to track real-time energy usage and patterns. This data provides valuable insights into trends, peak demand periods and areas of excessive usage, helping pinpoint improvement opportunities. 
  4. Analysis and benchmarking: The next step is to analyze the energy consumption data collected from utility bills, metering devices and on-site inspections. Benchmarking against industry standards allows for comparison and evaluation. 
  5. Identification of opportunities: The analysis identifies potential opportunities for energy efficiency improvements and cost savings, such as upgrading equipment to more energy-efficient models and adopting renewable energy technologies. 
  6. Financial analysis: A financial analysis assesses the feasibility and return on investment of proposed energy-saving measures by estimating upfront costs, anticipated energy savings and potential incentives or rebates available. This process can also uncover billing errors.
  7. Recommendations and report: A comprehensive report summarizes the findings, recommendations and proposed action plan. 
  8. Implementation and monitoring: Implementing the recommended energy-saving measures can begin upon approval. 
  9. Review and optimization: Periodic reviews and evaluations assess the implemented measures, identify new improvement opportunities and refine energy management strategies. 

Types of Energy Audits in PA

Whether you opt for a walk-through, detailed or target energy audit, the process takes four phases: 

  • Planning
  • Investigating
  • Implementing 
  • Sustaining

Proactive businesses will repeat these phases continually to improve energy efficiency on a long-term basis. 

Improve Your ESG Rating

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are three central factors used to measure the sustainability and ethical impact of a company’s operations. A utility audit can improve a company’s ESG performance by addressing environmental concerns, promoting social responsibility and enhancing governance and accountability practices. Consumption data errors in your utility bills can negatively impact your rating. 

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Get Utility Cost Recovery Services From UtiliSave

Get the insight you need to improve your company’s financial health and see potential savings on your energy expenses. UtiliSave is proud to employ experts who are well-versed in the unique inaccuracies and inefficiencies that could lead to significant overpayment. 

Contact us today to identify areas of excess consumption or billing errors.

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